Fufu and goat light soup |
Before I begin, let me emphasize that I am a food addict, I love to try new recipes every now and then but Ghanaian dishes are the best on the African continent.
To quote myself, “some Ghanaian dishes are like pizza, very tasty and healthy even when they look like they might not”.
playGhanaian dishes are tasty like pizza
Ghanaian dishes, obviously, for most indigenous people of Ghana are of different varieties.
As I grew, I was amazed at the different kind of meals Ghanaians can prepare with one ingredient across its ten regions.
Beans, one of my favorite staple food, high in nutrition and is used in preparing “waakye”, “koose”, “red red”, “tubaani” among others and as a side dish in recipes like "Tatale", spring roll, meat pie, bread, soups.
playWaakye with spaghetti, avocado and some fried ripped plantain
These ingredients are stored differently by freezing, drying, salting, smoking or roasting and these in turn adds different flavours and taste when used in preparing Ghanaian dishes.
Garden eggs stew, kontomire stew or beans stew without salted tilapia is similar to travelling without a luggage.
Ampesi [Boiled plantain] and kontomire stew with avocado
Don’t be naive, some Ghanaian dishes such as “Banku”, “akple”, “tuo zaafi”, “Capha”, “Etew” look alike but are prepared differently by different tribes which makes it easy for everyone to consume.
At tender ages, girls are made to help out their mothers in the kitchen by fetching water, washing vegetables, stirring stew and soups and the part I enjoyed most, tasting dishes especially the fried ones.
When girls comes of age, they can easily prepare sumptuous dishes with or without any supervision.
Thinking of aroma and sweet fragrance for your food, local ingredients such as garlic, ginger, nutmeg, black pepper, negro pepper, “prekese” are grown on the fertile soil of Ghana to make your dish spicy enough to whet appetites from a distance.
playPrekese gives sweet fragrance and aroma to your food
Ghanaians dishes from breakfast to lunch and supper not only satisfy your hungry stomach but contains all the essential food nutrients needed to promote general well being upon consumption.
The secret to flawless skin and silky long hair is consuming Ghanaian dishes, whether baked, fried, roasted, boiled, grilled or poached.
Ghanaian dishes can be described as a garden of flowers due to the different and colourful ingredients used in its preparation, very tantalizing at first glance. Think of a Ghanaian Jollof rice, fried plantain, shito and chicken khebab and steamed cabbage.
playGhanaian jollof is greater than Nigerian jollof, a never ending war on Twitter
Ghanaian dishes promotes peace and unity. People troop at social gathering just to enjoy the sweet delicacies available.
Proudly, Ghanaian dishes are very tasty, healthy, easy to prepare among all the African dishes. No wonder Nigerians are always fighting with Ghanaians over jollof.
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